12 Short Guides to Government Transportation Agencies in LA and CA
There are many governmental organizations doing transportation work in Los Angeles and California. Click the underlined names below for a quick overview of what some of the primary organizations do.
(Here is an overview of municipal jurisdictions in LA I wrote a few years ago that may prove helpful when reading these guides.)
Bureau of Engineering (BOE) and StreetsLA in 4 minutes
LADOT in 4 minutes.
City Planning and transportation in 4 minutes
LA Metro in 5 minutes
Metrolink in 3 minutes
SCAG and transportation in 4 minutes
LA County COGs and transportation in 3 minutes
Smaller LA-Area Cities and transportation in 4 minutes
Caltrans in 4 minutes
CA Transportation Commission (CTC) in 3 minutes
CA Air Resources Board (CARB) in 4 minutes
CA High Speed Rail in 5 minutes
Here are the three original articles where these 12 overviews first appeared:
LA Streets, Explained (BOE, StreetsLA, DOT, City Planning)
LA Regional Transportation, Explained (Metro, Metrolink, SCAG, LA County COGs)
California State Transportation, Explained (Caltrans, CTC, CARB, CA High Speed Rail)
Author’s Note: My goal in writing these short guides is to make the different jurisdictional roles in transportation less confusing.
The project evolved out of short cheat sheets I made for myself about “who does what” when first working in LA city government a few years ago. After stumbling across some interesting essays about the history of several of these organizations, I thought it might be helpful to combine all this information into some longer articles, so I did that (see below).
Then I realized it might help busy people if I chopped them into shorter individual articles.
So here you go — please share them with anyone who might benefit from a quick overview to these departments and agencies.
I’m always interested in getting feedback in areas where I may not have explained something exactly right- you can find me at nsholmes21 at gmail.com.
See an overview of the other things I’ve written, transportation-related and otherwise, at the link here.